About Our Imagication

Welcome to the Imagication journal of Jeremy McCaleb and Cyndi Combs!


Colorado Ren Faire, August 2009

What’s an imagication?  It’s our dream vacation!  It’s the vacation we have imagined all our lives.  We have enjoyed more hours envisioning and planning this vacation than we will actually be on vacation.  🙂  That’s some kind of fantabulous vacation bonus, right?

Adventure is where we find it, and when Jer and I find it, you can almost bet it comes with pictures!  Travel used to involve many “Kodak moments” (way back when Kodak still made film and I carried 2 cameras for color and black & white shots). But these days, with digital cameras, it can be “Kodak hours.”

Jeremy has enjoyed travels to India, Britain, Guatemala, Virgin Islands, France and Canada.  And he enjoys photography nearly as much as I do.  I was born in Spain, but got no photos during my entire 6 month stay, so Spain is right near the top of my bucket list.  As a child I spent 4 years on a Navy base in Puerto Rico and, again – no camera!  So Puerto Rico shall make a blog appearance later in life also. 

Most of my vacation experience has been in national and state parks in and around California and Colorado.  I feel blessed to have so many beautiful places to visit right here in my backyard!  

But each of us has always dreamed of vacationing in Hawaii and this will be a first for both of us.  That’s where this blog begins, but follow the blog long enough and we hope to bring you landscape photography from Spain and Puerto Rico, as well as Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Greece and beyond!

This blog will share whatever grabs our lenses or our senses on our excellent imagication adventures!

Really though, we know any good adventure is all about the food.  So expect to see some foodie pictures too!


At our favorite Italian restaurant, Carelli’s in Boulder.

2 thoughts on “About Our Imagication

  1. Those are two of my favorite people in two of my favorite pictures!! I love foodie pictures and can’t wait to see what you munch on in Hawaii!

  2. One of the best perks of working (in the past) at a photo lab was the daily vacations I got to “take”. Looking forward to “our” next vacation in Hawaii!! I know I don’t have to tell you this, but…..Have a great time!!!

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