Cyndi’s Travel Invocation


I feel so COMFORTABLE on any airplane!  I am able to relax and sleep in any airline seat.  The Universe handles all the connections with ease, and my job is to relax and enjoy the FUN interactions with people along the way!  My experience includes friendly people, helpful airline staff, upgrades for no reason, fine food, and fluffy white pillows in a bright blue sky!

I look for reasons to smile, and find them everywhere.  I look for interesting photos and snap them up wherever our feet take us. We experience only high quality foods that amaze and delight us whenever we travel!  We even find amazing food in airports at whatever hour we are there. 

Money exchange is easy and becomes second nature, just like booking ferry and train tickets in Europe.  We explore everything we want to see and have energy to spare!  We find undreamed marvels, and peaceful scenery down roads taken on intuition alone.  We enjoy scheduled adventures, and also discover unexpected pleasures and treasured memories that elevate our vibration for decades!

I am married to amazement. 

I am present, and enjoy every single moment.  The rhythm of the airport thrills me.  I feel joy and easy excitement.  I know that I have all the skill and knowledge required to handle anything that comes our way.  I know that I don’t have to handle any of it alone, because the Universe loves and supports me always.  Whatever we need always flows to us.  I can relax into faith.  Faith in myself.  Faith that the Universe always has my back.  Faith that kind, helpful people will be sprinkled liberally (by my angels) throughout the travels we have planned.

Every face I see is the face of the Universe. 
The face of God/Mother Goddess.  Source.  Great Spirit. 

Each and every person we meet is a face of the ever-supportive,
fun & playful Universe – thrilled to have my back and flow to me any little thing I need.

If something does not go as planned, it’s not a mistake!  It simply means the Universe has a better plan!  I’ve made a LOT of plans for our travels because I adore planning.  I savor the planning as a really fun way to manifest travel adventures, and to milk the excitement for much longer than the trip actually lasts.  But I am not attached to my plans. 

I am open to the guidance from the Universe that flows through my intuition.  I won’t experience sadness, or feel like we missed out if we don’t do something I planned.  I will relish the opportunity to do something different instead, or nothing at all. 

When I am present in the moment, I miss nothing!

I surrender the entire plan to the all-knowing Universe now.  My only plan is to enjoy the unfolding, to be present, and savor each moment.  Each and every moment is a gift to be opened in amazement!  Even in the airports.  Even on the airplane.  Waiting in line for the ferry.  All of it is a rich, delicious experience of which I intend to savor every beautiful, satisfying, vibe-raising moment.

I fucking LOVE travel.